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Wordsworthy Books

Great books represent the intellectual capital of humanity over all time. Over a lifetime how many books will you read? If you read a few thousand novels over a long life, you'll have done well for yourself. So why read any book which isn't transformational? I recommend literary novels. They have the power to change your perspective of life.

Currently reading

The Odyssey
Homer, Richmond Lattimore
The Satires of Horace and Persius
Horace, Aulus Persius Flaccus
"I Loved You before I Ever Knew You
Shakespearian Sonnet
abab, cdcd, efef, gg

I loved you before I ever knew you: I had a premonition of you,
Years before we ever met, I dreamt you would somehow exist,
Even then, I had a revelation I hoped would come fully into view,
Truly, the days were long before you, but how could I not persist?
I knew I’d recognize you by the bright light of your soul, for instance,
The gleam of love within you could betray the words you would express,
Before we spoke, who could have told them fairer from such a distance?
So many thousands of miles we’d trek before we’d know a first caress,
Then moving closer still, what gift of fate drew us then adjacent,
That you could discern with your own ears my love so humbly pled,
And hearing then receive them with a tenderness so renascent?
Who knew that my idea of you, before these words were ever said,
Fulfilled a gift of prophecy that would serve to carry us through?
It’s no less than a wonder how I loved you before you ever knew.

+ + +
Sonnets from New England: Love Songs - David B Lentz


"“Maybe, life is a kind of waking dream.
Maybe, it's a double-dream with a false awakening.
Maybe, the dream only becomes lucid and truly luminous given the fuller perspective of life after one's own wake.
Maybe, the pictures never stop.
Doesn't the existence of dreams and higher consciousness during the years of blackouts of a lifetime, whether longer or shorter, give us a valid premise to hope that another highly spiritual state may await our passing?”
― David B. Lentz, "For the Beauty of the Earth ""

WordsworthGreenwich Press